Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Ten Point Agenda - Free Essay Example

I. INTRODUCTION (here.. if u can find some captions that would make this paper interesting to read.. I mean to for this to be appealing Lagyan nyo ng eye-catching introduction, di kasi ako journalist nung HS.. so kung sino man senyo ang journalist nung HS.. make this.. hehe) President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyos 10-point Agenda ________________________________________ 1. The creation of six million jobs in six years via more opportunities given to entrepreneurs, tripling of the amount of loans for lending to small and medium enterprises and the development of one to two million hectares of land for agricultural business. 2. The construction of new buildings, classrooms, provision of desks and chairs and books for students and scholarships to poor families, 3. The balancing of the budget, 4. The decentralization of progress around the nation through the use of transportation networks like the roll-on, roll-off and the digital infrastructure, 5. The provision of electricity and wate r supply to barangays nationwide, 6. The decongestion of Metro Manila by forming new cores of government and housing centers in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, 7. The development of Clark and Subic as the best international service and logistic centers in the region, . The automation of the electoral process, 9. A just end to the peace process, and 10. A fair closure to the divisiveness among the Edsa 1, 2 and 3 forces. (Arroyo strolling in the region of the Subic-Tarlac Express way) II. DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS BEAT THE ODDS B balanced budget E education for all A automated elections T transportation and digital infrastructure. T terminate hostilities with the MILF and NPA H heal the wounds of EDSAs I, II and III E electricity and water for all. O opportunities for livelihood and ten million jobs D decongestion of Metro Manila DS develop Subic and Clark. DESCRIPTION â€Å"The development of Clark and Subic as the best international service and logistic centers in the reg ion† (This part nman.. description ng project.. iniwan ko na toh.. pra me gagawin nman kau.. mas mhaba.. mas okei.. joke.. ewan.. kayo na bhala kung brief but straight to the point or elongated but florid statement.. hahaha) ANALYSIS ( Guys. In this part. I don’t know if we must concentrate on our assigned agenda or we must also look at the overall view of the ten point agenda.. hat I’ve searched is ung sa overall kasi di rin ako mkahanap ng about sa subic echos.. sana kayo mkahanap.. then place it under this overall analysis.. kayo na bhala) BEATING THE ODDS is an analytical close up of policy making, decision making, and action taking by a Philippine President under the most challenging circumstances. Through rigorous research and study, we students as researchers have been able to consolidate a portrait of leadership centralizing hounding budget deficit and economy downfall. Beating the odds is composed of many issues but we concentrated on the issue of bud geting, governance and the tenth agenda. President Arroyo presided over 34 quarters of uninterrupted growth in the Philippine economy, drastically cut the deficit and set the basis of financial stability through the global financial crunch of 2009. The budget was in a dismal state when she first took over the reins of power in 2001. Revenues were low, debt was high, and inefficiencies and corruption drained the country’s coffers. She took steps to ensure the proper ranking of government expenditures and allocations and implemented tax reforms to improve collections. By supporting and pushing the revenue and customs agencies to ferret out tax evaders, she stepped up revenue collections. Working closely with Congress, she pushed for the approval of fiscal reforms to further increase revenues and balances the budget. Her actions sustained the economy as it ushered in a period of sustained growth that has shielded the Philippines from global financial upheavals. Inheritance of GMA to the motherland, the positive side (Strength) President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, in her 112th Independence Day speech, said she will leave the Filipino people a legacy of a strong and stable economy. In her speech at the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta Park, her last as head of state, the outgoing President said her reform programs â€Å"now offer more economic opportunities and support the aspirations of our heroes who all dreamt of a national vision of attaining prosperity, freedom and justice for all. Since the start of her administration in 2001, the President said poverty alleviation became the centerpiece of her 10-point agenda the so-called BEAT THE ODDS. BEAT THE ODDS stands for a Balanced budget; Education for all; Automated elections; Transportation and digital infrastructure; Terminate hostilities with the MILF and NPA; Heal the wounds of EDSAs I, II and III; Electricity and water for all; Opportunities for livelihood and ten million jobs; Decongestion of Metro Ma nila; Develop Subic-Clark. She said the implementation of these pro-poor programs were all achieved through economic reforms that resulted to a lower budget deficit, better economic growth and generated much needed funds to finance vital infrastructure projects such ports, seaports, airports, bridges, highway networks and the roll-on roll-off ferry system. The President said the May 2010 automated elections also delivered the most modern and open election that will lastingly change the face of Philippine politics such as the earliest proclamation in history of the President and Vice President. In the course of her speech, beneficiaries thanked the President for her numerous programs. Mrs. Arroyo presented them one-by-one and then talked to them in their dialect, and then cited her administrations achievements in the last 9 years. Among these achievements are on transportation, job creation, expanding business opportunities, education, addressing the Communist and Moro rebellio n, implementation of the May 10 automated elections, generating more electricity and improving water supply, developing the call center industry, and the transformation of the Subic-Clark economic zone. The President said these beneficiaries are among the millions of Filipinos who benefited and gained employment from BEAT THE ODDS. The negative side* (Weaknesses) 1) The first Chief Executive to be formally accused in Congress of cheating, lying and stealing. 2) The highest level of public debt (P6 trillion) and the biggest amount of foreign borrowing (more than Presidents Corazon Aquino, Fidel Ramos and Joseph Estrada combined). 3) The biggest number of downgrades of American, British and Japanese credit rating firms. 4) The No. most corrupt country in Asia in a survey of 102 countries according to the World Economic Forum and Asian Development Bank. Now also confirmed in the CBCP statement calling for â€Å"reforms† in her â€Å"graft-ridden† government. Estimates of amounts lost to corruption reach as high as P200 billion. 5) The most dangerous place for journalists in the whole world, 2nd only to war-torn Iraq according to the New York- based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and earlier the London based ICJ. And the killings of judges, prosecutors and lawyers are also common. Index crimes are up 15 percent over last year. 6) The new shabu-manufacturing center in Asia with the number of drug users multiplying rapidly. Marijuana plantations in the highlands are increasing. 7) The harshest repression of freedom of speech and of assembly topped by a no permit, no rally policy. Control of media is Malacanangs policy. 8) The highest unemployment rate (20. 3 percent adult unemployment rate as reported by SWS) and the highest underemployment rate (26 percent) including the collapse of the garment industry. UP Economics professor Dr. Ernesto Pernia found out that with 1. 4 million new entrants to the labor force yearly, GMA created only 800,000 new jobs annually, many of them casual or part-time. 9) The weakest link in the war on terror and the loss of standing and respect in the international community accompanied by a deterioration of US-Philippine relations. Mindanao has been tagged as a terrorist training ground. 10) The most expensive and the most fraudulent elections held ever on May 10, 2004, now documented on tape and prefabricated election returns and certificates of canvass. A ranking DBM official has now revealed that P750 million was released to Phil Health before the elections and more than P3 billion has been spent for the alagaan mo ang kalsada natin election gimmicks. 11) The fastest deterioration in the poverty line from 32 percent under President Erap to 53 percent in four years of GMA with a Ph. D. in Economics. Hunger stalks the land with 58 percent saying they are not eating properly, with many saying they eat only once a day. Many are even selling their bodies or their organs just to surviv e. 2) Interference with the Supreme Court and other inferior courts highlighted by mediocre appointments to the judiciary stressing political paybacks and personal loyalty to GMA. 13) The most number of casinos and gambling establishments and proliferation of gambling operations nationwide topped by an importation of 60,000 slot machines and a jueteng payola reaching billions of pesos. We are now one big gambling parlor. 14) The highest dollar-peso exchange rate (P56. 50 to $1). 5) The highest importation of rice over a four-year period (about 6,000 metric tons) indicating a failure in agriculture and agrarian reform amid claims of billions in kickbacks. 16) The highest prices of oil products ever (P33. 80 per liter for premium). 17) The most number of foreign and domestic trips by a President accompanied by a big entourage, a big travel budget. 18) The most number of adverse travel advisories released by foreign governments against travel to the Philippines. 19) The largest number of retired AFP and PNP officers appointed to civilian positions. 0) The biggest number of doctors, nurses, managers, professionals, even domestics and caregivers leaving the country with 7,000 braving death or injury in Iraq. An estimated 10,000 doctors have left or about to leave the country as nurses. 21) The biggest percentage increase of service and clearance fees, toll (3,000 percent), license fees, ever imposed by any administration. You even have to pay to enter an NBI office. 22) The lowest amount ($14 million) of foreign investment in any given year aggravated by the departure of major investors for China such as FedEx lately. 3) The biggest number of pyramid scams, pre-need plans, bankruptcy, thereby a failure to protect the consumer. 24) Condemnation by the German government and business associations on the Fraport-Piatco issue. 25) The Peace Bonds scam giving away P1. 3 billion to Code NGO and incurring a P35 billion additional debt in the process. 26) The biggest amount of unpaid pensions to AFP and PNP retirees (P17 billion). And unpaid DPWH contracts. 27) The biggest importer of used cars and tax-free luxury cars highlighting a record of smuggling. 8) The emergence of fake US treasury bills, fake dollar and peso bills, fake drugs, fake CDs and VCDs, fake brand name products, fake recruiters, fake passports, topped by a fake President, fake Vice President and fake senators. And now a fake impeachment complaint. 29) The first President to send her spouse into exile. 30) The first President whose SONA address is boycotted by a big number of senators and congressmen. *(The researchers have found these lists of negative aphorism about arroyo’s administration and her ten point agenda through a blog of a name who’s connected to the local government) P1. 64 trillion for GMAs 10-point agenda (Opportunities) Malacanang said today that about P1. 64 trillion or nearly three-fourths of the outlays proposed in the P2. 23-trillion Medium-Term Public Investment Program (MTPIP) will go to programs and projects under President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s 10-Point Agenda to alleviate poverty, spur economic growth, and enhance democracy and governance. The MTPIP presented to the President and the Cabinet recently shows that the government shall allocate the funds to make our development goals a reality, Secretary of the Cabinet Ricardo L. Saludo said. The P1. 4-trillion total allocation underlines the need to boost revenues and ensure funding for our pro-poor agenda. The MTPIP conforms to the government’s six-year expenditure program and fiscal targets aimed at balancing the budget by 2010. The list of the MTPIP estimates responsive to the 10-point agenda of the President, which amount to P1. 643 trillion or 73. 5 percent compared to the total MTPIP of P2. 235 trillion follows: 1. 10 million jobsP312. 9 billion †¢Strengthening government programs to support three million entrepreneurs and small and medium en terprises by tripling loans to MSMEs P63. billion. †¢Development of two million hectares of land for agri-business P249. 8 billion. 2. Education for AllP140. 9 billion †¢Construction of at least 6,000 classrooms annually, provision of books and computers, and provision of high school scholarships or financial assistanceP140. 9 billion 3. Balance the National Budget P17. 9 billion †¢Fiscal strength: Reduce the CPSD-to-GDP ratio from 6. 7 percent to 1 percent of GDP in 2010; reduce the ratio of public sector debt-to-GDP from 136 percent in 2004 to 90 percent in 2010 P12. 7 billion. Financial sector: Achieve a savings-to-GDP rate of 25-30 percent, manage inflation, promote stronger, stable, and deeper financial system and rationalize government pension and retirement schemes P5. 2 billion. 4. Transportation Networks and Digital Infra P295. 7 billion †¢Transportation Networks: Strengthening of the East, Central and Western Nautical Highway P291. 6 billion. †¢Dig ital Networks: More efficient and effective sharing of network among all branches of governmentP4. 1 billion. 5. Provision of Power and Water to all BarangaysP643 billion †¢Power generation: Total electrification of all barangays P241. billion. †¢Water supply and water management: Covering all barangays nationwide and 130 has. of lands for watershedP401. 5 billion. 6. Decongestion of Metro Manila P128. 3 billion. †¢Transfer of national agencies outside Metro Manila P1. 8 billion. †¢Transportation network to speed up traffic: North and South rail projects, MRT-LRT loop, LRT Line 1 Ext. , LRT 2 Phase 2, SLEX, and STAR P126. 5 billion. 7. Development of Clark and Subic P84. 2 billion †¢Implementation of Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway and Diosdado Macapagal International Airport and Subic International Port P84. billion. 8. Automation of the Electoral Process P5. 9 billion †¢Automated elections starting 2007P5. 9 billion 9. Peace Agreement with Rebel Groups P14. 9 billion †¢Peace Process: Rehabilitation and reintegration of former rebels, implementation of Madrasha Educational Program, Various infra and social projects, and others P14. 9 billion. 10. Closure of Wounds caused by division due to EDSA 1, 2, and 3 (no allotment) Threats (about this,†¦ ewan ko kung pano toh gawin.. if may idea kayo about threat analysis.. kau na bhala) III. EVALUATION (this part.. gagawa ntin.. if ntapos na ntin ung mga primary parts.. mdali na lang toh) Expressway drives Subic-Clark-Tarlac growth Manila Bulletin (The National Leading Newspaper) May 30, 2010 The full operation of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway has been cited as one of the major factors that have driven investments into the country’s premier free ports Clark Freeport Zone and Subic Bay Freeport Zone, a special report said. The 93. 77 kilometer SCTEX was cited as a legacy of the administration of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Since its full operations in 2008, the 93 . 7-km expressway was cited as the â€Å"key to the evolution of the mega logistics hub within the parts of the Subic-Clark corridor,† a special report on the Subic Freeport said. Edgardo Pamintuan former chairman of the Subic-Clark Alliance for Development (SCAD) earlier said that the Subic-Clark corridor has been expanded with the extension of the expressway to Tarlac. â€Å"One of the features of the SCAD corridor framework is the production-oriented logistics corridor with three equidistant hubs—Subic, with its sea port as the sea hub, DMIA as the air hub, and Tarlac as the land hub,† Pamintuan said. The same report said that Subic-Clark-Tarlac makes Asia’s largest logistics hub and this has been made possible by the construction and completion of SCTEX. At least 150,000 jobs have been created by businesses along the Subic-Clark corridor alone. Subic Bay had been earlier transformed as a bustling seaport that has drawn investments from global playe rs which wanted to cash in on the highly developed cargo handling and seaport management capabilities and facilities of the former Naval base of the United States. Clark has now become a magnet for investments in light industries, taking advantage of the presence of the entire expanse of airport facilities in this former US military base. Tarlac, with its vast agricultural and industrial areas, completes the â€Å"troika† of major development forces in Central Luzon. All three hubs require a road infrastructure that is ideal for cargo movement from Subic Bay and Clark to many destinations, and that is where SCTEX â€Å"fits into the picture–to expand and enhance the cargo reach our clients on time,† said one locator. Overall, SCTEX has positive impact on the economic growth of the entire Central Luzon region, which the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) said is third highest in regional gross domestic product, next to the National Capital Regio n and Calabarzon. Central Luzon contributes 40% to the country’s Services sector, 35% to the agricultural sector, and 24. 5% to agricultural output. Subic Bay Freeport, which boasts of two container terminals with a combined capacity of 600,000 TEUs, is expected to make full use of the modern SCTEX. Subic Bay Freeport has been positioned as â€Å"the maritime gateway for Luzon. Clark Freeport is home to the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA) and its burgeoning businesses in business process outsourcing (BPO), health and wellness, logistics and port development, food, agribusiness, tourist destination and facilities development and ancillary services and products to locators within the industrial estates. BIBLIOGRAPHY (place here ung mga sources nyo.. author, year and etchos. Lam nyo na un) APPENDICES (pictures) (graphs) (if u can add some pictures, graphs and etc. about her project in this assigned agenda.. better)

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